Unicredit 1 Year Certificate of Deposit
Type | Fixed |
Rate | N/A |
Currency | EUR |
This account applies to the 'Moneybox CD' product with the minimum deposit $5000 Euros. It an online account with the interest rate applicable for a 1 year/12 month term. It may also receive deposit protection from the 'Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi'. (www.fitd.it)
The rate of N/A is 0% higher than the average 0%. Also it is the highest rate for this term period Updated Aug, 2019
This account applies to the 'Moneybox CD' product with the minimum deposit $5000 Euros. It an online account with the interest rate applicable for a 1 year/12 month term. It may also receive deposit protection from the 'Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi'. (www.fitd.it)
The rate of N/A is 0% higher than the average 0%. Also it is the highest rate for this term period Updated Aug, 2019